
Search results

  1. Chow Line: Vitamin C and iron are great partners (for 5/11/03)

    factor in meat, fish and poultry help the body absorb non-heme iron. Even higher amounts of acid in your ... doses of calcium-- especially the kind found in calcium supplements-- all reduce the amount of iron your ... body absorbs. So, if you drink calcium-fortified orange juice, don't take your iron supplement at ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-02

    herbicide in your herbicide-tolerant corn? Managing Risks in Continuous Corn With higher corn populations, ... Association Programss Northern Ohio Crops Day Are you using enough residual herbicide in your ... a shock.  In an Oct. 2010 newsletter article (“What Ailed Corn following Corn in 2010”, online at ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-11

    start looking for wheat diseases. Your first step is to determine if the varieties you planted are ... you can download the chapters of each pdf file. This book is 60 pages long and should be in your ... when you’re between preemergence and postemergence”) addressed the potential problems with weed control ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-28

    Here is some information to help you guide your decision: 1) Check again in 3-4 days, are the aphids ... in your hand) should be removed from the field immediately to prevent seed production.  Herbicides ...

  5. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: University of Florida

    Jim is highly innovative in regards to how he is connecting with a myriad of stakeholders, agencies ...

  6. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    how this tool might inform your next decision! This webinar will provide an overview of Great Lakes ...

  7. Learning Activity Ideas

    the site for specific information. Once you have arrived at the desired page, please update your ...

  8. Make Hay When the Sun Shines…What Sun?

    management steps that can reduce the field curing time once the hay is cut. First, adjust your mower to lay ...

  9. Winter 2016

    Tuesday, December 15, 2015 Ohio Woodlands, Water and Wildlife ...

  10. Ohio State Agriculture, Medical Researchers Test Berries as Cancer-fighters

    for you, here's some fruit for thought: berries could save your life. An interdisciplinary team ... We also want to establish connections between the grower and the consumer." Clinical trials ...
