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  1. Forestry Forum 2016 Christmas Tree Sale

    The 2016 Annual Christmas Tree Sale starts today at noon and runs till dark behind the 4-H Center at Lane Ave. and Fred Taylor Dr.  Proceeds benefit the Forestry Forum. ...

  2. Precautions for Harvesting Forages After a Frost

    your livestock this fall when feeding species with prussic acid poisoning potential: ·         Do not ... significant amounts of legumes. You can also swath your legume-rich pasture ahead of grazing and let animals ...

  3. 2016 4-H Recognition

    For full details, please consult the program. ...

  4. Frosted Forage Precautions

    following guidelines will help you avoid danger to your livestock this fall when feeding species with ... can also swath your legume-rich pasture ahead of grazing and let animals graze dry hay in the swath. ...

  5. Stone Lab Guest Lecture Series & Research Brief

    introduction to our program and the island before leading you up to our lecture hall. Don’t forget to grab your ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-37

    Moisture and Stalk Lodging in Corn." C.O.R.N Newsletter 2005-34 (October 10, 2005- October 18, 2005); ...

  7. September 17th, 2017


  8. Birdseed May Make Your Plants Sick

    introducing a lot of Sclerotinia in your garden," said Steve Nameth, an Ohio State plant pathologist and ... one of the researchers of the study. "If you don't have problems with this disease in your ... because all you're doing is inoculating the rest of your garden with the disease." Nameth said ...

  9. Western Ohio Agronomy Field Day

    much of western Ohio cropping systems. Join us to learn how to improve conditions on your farm. The ...

  10. Rust on Turfgrass

    suppressing the disease. Remember to follow application rates and make sure the fungicide is labeled for your ...
