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  1. New Fungicide Available to Combat Wheat Diseases

    Ohio's wheat crop is anticipated to begin flowering by the end of May or first week of June depending on ...

  2. Increased Corn Production Could Pose Grain Storage Problems

    but as temperatures begin to warm up, careful attention to management becomes important. "Warmer ...

  3. Hot, Dry Conditions Could Invite Two-Spotted Spider Mite

    loss, based on OARDC research. "If growers begin seeing pockets of this speckling throughout ...

  4. Inconsistent Weather Doesn't Hamper Wheat

    not been a problem in Ohio since the 1960s, is beginning to show up again. For the past two seasons ...

  5. What are Those Purple Things in Trees? Find out at Farm Science Review

    throughout Ohio. Stone said that the traps have been in place beginning in mid-May and, to date, no insects ...

  6. Winter Raises Cold Stress Risk

    surface of the skin decreases as the blood vessels constrict. The fluid in the cells and tissues begins to ...

  7. Know Your Ear Rots Before Feeding Grain to Livestock

    ear, usually starting from the base and progressing toward the tip. Infection can begin before ...

  8. November 19, 2017


  9. Dr. Keener

    Room 100 (Wooster) Friday, January 27, 2017- 11:00am to 12:30pm ...

  10. CFAES Celebration of Students Paint Party

    Come for an afternoon of fun and painting. All participants will enjoy FREE snacks while they paint their own picture. An artist will instruct the participants to create a picture. Limited to 50 attendees A $5.00 deposit is required to hold your spot, but ...
