
Search results

  1. Corn Yield Prediction

    years. Dr. Bob Nielsen at Purdue University suggests that a "fudge factor" of 80 to 85 (85,000 ...

  2. Now's the Time to Sample for Soybean Cyst Nematode

    in Ohio begins at 200 eggs per cup of soil. At 2,000 eggs per cup of soil, most susceptible soybean ...

  3. 2017-39


  4. Recruitment Announcement

    AZP Recruitment season is upon us! We are accepting applications to join AZP for next school year, 2013-2014. We will be hosting a few information sessions throughout January for interested applicants to meet current members and learn more about AZP. On J ...

  5. Improving Grape Quality with Precision Agriculture

    the grape's development: veraison, the point when the fruit begins to accumulate sugar, and near ...

  6. Get Ready to Plant Corn

    soil conditions are dry, growers can begin planting slightly before the optimum date, but avoid early ...

  7. Fighting High Fertilizer Costs with Alternative Management

    beginning this spring to measure the amount of nitrogen that is produced from such a cropping system and to ...

  8. Fall Pansies One of the First Plants to Usher in Spring

    shrubs. During a time of year in central Ohio when most plants are just beginning to wake from their ...

  9. Dry Weather Inviting Soybean Pests

    spider mite problems were beginning to occur in dry areas around Ohio, and the incidence of mites has ...

  10. Sustainable Agriculture: Ohio State Announces On-farm Research Grant Program

    January 23, 2012 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Ohio State University’s Sustainable Agriculture Team and Agroecosystems Management Program are now accepting proposals for grants for on-farm research in sustainable agriculture. Support for the grants comes from the unive ...
