
Search results

  1. Frost Damage May Contribute to Low Wheat Yields

    two counties had some heads beginning to emerge during that cold period. Anything farther north ...

  2. Corn Standing Tall Despite Severe Weather

    ground in April, is tasseling and silking-- the beginning stages of pollination that leads to ear ...

  3. Precision Agriculture Not Just for Conventional Farming

    accurately measures fruit yield as the crop is being harvested. It can also be connected to a GPS (Global ...

  4. More Efficient Beef Cattle Production, Marketing Eyed With Tagging Program

    that the market wants." Ohio State researchers will begin conducting training seminars for cattle ...

  5. Internationally Renowned Horticulturist to Visit Chadwick Arboretum

    garden that he designed specially for the arboretum. The activities will begin at 8:30 a.m. and will ...

  6. Soybean Rust Predicted to Hit Ohio, But When?

    only Florida and one spot in Georgia confirmed findings of soybean rust. The disease didn't begin ...

  7. Learn to Manage Manure Effectively at Manure Expo, July 9

    have at their disposal, but managing manure effectively begins with knowing a soil's fertility ...

  8. Ohio Wheat Off to a Good Start; Farmers Plant Another Million Acres

    April when the wheat begins to green up. Do a tiller count. Make timely herbicide and nitrogen ...

  9. Ohio State University Economist: Education Key to Limiting H1N1 Virus Impacts on U.S. Pork Industry

    probably just seeing the beginning of this outbreak (the World Health Organization has recently warned of ...

  10. Soybean Harvest Complete? Don't Forget to Test Soil for SCN

    the presence of alternate hosts. Yield loss threshold of SCN in Ohio begins at 200 eggs per cup of ...
