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  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-41

    soybean 40-200 1 Trace Begin to measure some yield loss in Susceptible varieties at or above 200 ...

  2. Train-the-Trainer Webinar: Teaching Tractor Certification Courses to Ohio Teens

    Dee Jepsen, State Agricultural Safety and Health Leader: Teaching tractor safety courses to young workers is important on several levels. Besides safety, teens can learn important skills from a good training program. Students can also receive certificatio ...

  3. 2015 Junior Fair Office Hours Announced

    Pick Up Entry Forms Monday June 1st       5:00- 8:00 pm Tuesday June 2nd 5:00- 8:00 pm Thursday June 4th              5:00- 8:00 pm   Turn In Entry Forms Thursday July 30th              5:00- 8:00 pm Friday July 31st 5:00- 8:00 pm Saturday August 1st     ...

  4. Grain C.A.R.T. Scheduling

    Agricultural rescue training and education are an integral part to protecting our work force of families tied to agriculture in Ohio. The Grain C.A.R.T. (Comprehensive Agricultural Rescue Trailer) was designed and built to do that twofold. Opportunities e ...

  5. Global warming, energy efficiency connections explored at EPN breakfast- January 11

    The next EPN Breakfast (Environmental Professionals Network) will be held January 11 from 7:15 to 9:30 a.m. at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. Significant and critical energy and climate policy changes continue to be debated, and sometimes ...

  6. Full Circle Dairy Internship

    Full Circle Dairy is a commercial dairy, milking 3,000 cows on a rotary parlor in Lee, Florida. Their replacement heifer program boasts state-of-the-art automated feeders, and the primary focus is individualized calf care. To them, every calf counts! They ...

  7. Kentucky Equine Management Internship

    Today is the day!! The Kentucky Equine Management Internship is accepting applications for the 2018 Spring Session! The deadline to apply to Spring 2018 is October 31, 2017. Actual dates for the course are January 8 – June 8, 2018. More information about ...

  8. Estimating Corn Yields

    increased as hybrids have improved over the years. Dr. Bob Nielsen at Purdue University suggests that ...

  9. Communiqué February 27, 2013

    tried won’t work. The most important thing is to begin even though the first step is the hardest. ... Beginning in April, our Health Care and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) will be managed by ...

  10. Teen Leadership in Action

    This workshop has been designed to provide an interactive “learn by doing” experience for teens (ages 13-18) with an emphasis on learning real-life, usable workforce preparation skills, which will help teens be successful in the future. Cost: $10 Registra ...
