
Search results

  1. Ohio State’s Farm Science Review connects university to agricultural community The Ohio State ... connections between the university and the state’s agriculture community. ...

  2. 2024 Student Networking Social with Dean Kress and College Leaders

    join me for a reception to connect with CFAES leadership, network, and get to know each other better.  ... You’ll have the opportunity to engage in a networking activity between student leaders and CFAES ... Student club and greek organization officers play an important role within our CFAES community. Please ...

  3. Farm Safety and Health Week is very real for Ohio farmers in 2024!

    /ag-safety-stat/october-2018/injury-prevention/safety-during-harvest-season Combine safety links: ... Take short breaks throughout the day.  Get out of the combine or truck for a few minutes, and do ... aware of the many hazards working in agriculture. Since 1944, the third week of September is dedicated ...

  4. Shared Harvest

    Darke County United Way, will once again host a “drive-thru” food distribution at Radiant Lighthouse on ... Wednesday, September 25 th  from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Shared Harvest is preparing hundreds of boxes to be ... drive to the distribution site during the appropriate hours, please do not line up early.  We ask people ...

  5. Sign Up Now for the "Exploring the Heart of It All" Fall Email Challenge

    of eating and shopping local, how reading can benefit you, and why we should all get outside and ... enjoy nature a little more. Each week the OSU Team will encourage you to get out and enjoy some of the ... email challenge connects participants with tips, research, and resources to help blend nature, health, ...

  6. Shared Harvest

    Darke County United Way, will once again host a “drive-thru” food distribution at Radiant Lighthouse on ... drive to the distribution site during the appropriate hours, please do not line up early.  We ask people ... work to get everyone the food they need.  If you have any questions, or if you would like to become ...

  7. Sign Up Now for the “Exploring the Heart of It All” Fall Email Challenge

    of eating and shopping local, how reading can benefit you, and why we should all get outside and ... enjoy nature a little more. Each week the OSU Team will encourage you to get out and enjoy some of the ... The email challenge connects participants with tips, research, and resources to help blend nature, ...

  8. Ohio State continues to assist farmers as drought and rain create unprecedented challenges for soybean crops

    Tracy Turner COLUMBUS, Ohio – The recent combination of drought conditions and a deluge of heavy ... Sciences (CFAES). “Farmers were already concerned about dry soybeans,” said Lindsey, a soybean and small ... grains specialist with Ohio State University Extension, CFAES’ outreach arm. “Many were facing pod ...

  9. New Hire Announcement – Welcome, Dr. Emma Grace Matcham

    to have 5 inches of rain in a weekend and get no mud. Unnatural. (ask me again in March though, ... and we'll follow the cereal rye plots with soybean to determine the impacts of adding winter ... agriculture, I realized that forage systems combine so many of my interests. I started doing research on ...

  10. 4-H STEM programming is on the move with the 4-H Mobile Classroom

    their favorite things at camp. 4-H project-age youth used the iPads to drive Sphero robots and tried ... youth in Grove City and Piqua get excited at back-to-school events. Panerathon, an event in Youngstown, ... was another stop for the bus. At beginning of September, the Mobile Classroom served as a station ...
