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  1. Workshops Offer Farmers Help with Herbicide Resistance Weed Control in Ohio

    problem, said Mark Loux, an OSU Extension weed specialist. And growing concerns about glyphosate-resistant ...

  2. Adjusting No-till Burndown Programs for Later Planting

    This is a revision of an article we seem to publish in C.O.R.N. about every three years, when wet ...

  3. Seed Vigor Test Refined to Measure Additional Plant Varieties

    challenging for us to try to measure soybean seedlings," said McDonald. "Unlike lettuce, there is no ... the best thing about the system is that is establishes a uniform standard of seed quality." The ...

  4. Rains Arrive Too Late To Help Corn Crop

    loss of two kernels per square foot is about one bushel per acre. Growers may find the following ... U.S. Department of Agriculture has projected average corn yields in Ohio at 110 bushels per acre, down ...

  5. Ohio Sea Grant Offers Great Lakes Climate Curriculum Workshops

    information about the team’s work is available at Christina Dierkes False ...

  6. Ohio State Offers New Major in Sustainability

    the new major. For more details about the program or to enroll, see Martha ...

  7. Effects from Sandy Could Delay Harvest and Impact Corn Yields

    harvest loss of two kernels per square foot is about one bushel per acre, he said. The problem is ...

  8. OSU Extension to Offer Beef Feedlot School in January, February

    December 27, 2012 BUCYRUS, Ohio-- Farmers and producers interested in learning more about beef ...

  9. Cressleaf Groundsel- The Ubiquitous Yellow Weed

    available online about the biology and control of this weed, and its toxicity to animals.  A fact sheet is ...

  10. Follow Label When Using Feed Additive on Show Pigs

    is still a lot of misconceptions about what it is and what it does," said Moeller. "If ... Candace Pollock Gary Bowman, Steve Moeller False False False False False False False False False ...
