CFAES is bursting with pride over two of our alumni who were honored at The Ohio State University's Alumni Awards this month. Dr. Edison Fowlks, PhD in Plant Pathology in 1965, and Kristy Mount Staats, BS in Environmental Education in 1982, were honored along with eight others at the 60th Alumni Awards on September 21st.
Dr. Edison Fowlks, a legend in his field, was recognized for teaching and providing pathways to STEM fields for underrepresented students. Dr. Fowlks provided molecular biology experience to Bishop College in Texas and Hampton, two historically black colleges, because of a desire to make an impact on “people who looked like me: people of color.”He introduced undergraduate research and provided new outreach programs to reach even more minority students.
Kristy Mount was honored for her extraordinary work as member and president of the Stadium Scholarship Alumni Society. As a student, the program mad eit possible for her to come to Ohio State, and as an alum, she has paid forward to many students by helping the society raise funds for more scholarships. She told the audiance, “Ordinary people, given half of a chance, can do extraordinary things," and then expressed what an honor it was to give more students the opportunity to come to Ohio State and then leave to change the world.
Read about these two inspiring CFAES Alumni and their fellow honorees.