Upcoming Opportunity - OSU Environmental Professionals Network

Environmental Professionals Network

Please join us for the upcoming Environmental Professionals Network events:

EPN signature event to focus on fate of Yellowstone’s grizzly bears

Join renowned nature photographer and conservationist Tom Mangelsen and investigative environmental journalist Todd Wilkinson to help decide the fate of 399, the most famous bear in the world, and other grizzlies in the greater Yellowstone area.  How can people and bears share America’s parks and wildlands? See breathtaking photos and hear hair-raising tales, Monday, 10/24, 7 PM, Ohio Union ballroom.  Free and open to all, but registration is required. 




EPN event to focus on Ted Turner, bison, biodiversity, western land use

Join the author of Last Stand – Ted Turner’s Quest to Save a Troubled Planet, Tuesday, 7 PM, 10/25, Ohio Union US Bank Theater.  Free and open to all, but registration is required.  Todd Wilkinson is a Montana-based author and investigative environmental journalist.  An amazing storyteller, Wilkinson will share Turner’s amazing life story and the difference he has made as America’s second largest private landowner, raising bison, allowing for predators, protecting biodiversity, and still making money ranching.
