New Video: Shelley Meyer asks you to Raise Your Hand for Ohio 4-H!

Shelley Meyer

Are you a #4HGrown Alum? Raise your hand to pay it forward & help the next generation of #TrueLeaders:

Ohio currently leads the pack in a competition among the states for most 4-H alumni. Top prizes are $20,000, $10,000 and $5,000 to use towards 4-H programming.

Shelley Meyer remembers the pledge. See the video below.


Raise Your HandIn 4-H, we believe in the power of America’s youth to succeed in life; however, only one in three kids says they have the skills they need to handle what life throws their way. That’s why 4-H created “Raise Your Hand.” A nationwide call to action for alumni to "raise their hands" to empower our nation's youth with the skills to lead for a lifetime. Help us grow the next generation of True Leaders—because every child deserves the opportunity to succeed.

Go to and let us know about your 4-H experience. It doesn't cost a thing, and you don't have to be a 4-H alum to have your hand count towards Ohio's tally. The competition runs through June.

Learn more here. 

Ohio 4-H remains in front so far, followed by Indiana, Texas, Kansas and that state up north.