Mike Simpson, a 1968 graduate of the Animal Sciences program, shared memories from his days in Saddle and Sirloin:
I served as Treasurer and Vice President while in the club. We had an event called the "smoker" where we passed cigars out to all the group members - both men and women - to smoke while Woody Hayes spoke to the group. He was so friendly and approachable at the event and told us that his brother was a veterinarian.
The club also got the opportunity to visit the Michigan State Saddle and Sirloin Club. It was a cold and rainy visit, but we were able to tour the campus and meet their staff and faculty. I remember being amazed at their turf program - particularly walking around on the spongy bog-type soil. It was just like walking on a mattress! While we were there, they hosted a little party for us.
My senior year, our club reciprocated the invite. We showed them around and held a party in their honor too.
Mike also shared that he lived in an apartment above the old sheep barn while in school. Much different than where students live these days!