Watch the National 4-H Youth in Action Winner for STEM

Ava Lonneman

Congratuations to Ava Lonneman, 17, of Mogadore, Ohio, selected as winner of the national 2017 Youth In Action Pillar Award for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). 

Ava was recognized at the 4-H Legacy Awards March 21 in Washington, D.C. for establishing herself as a leading youth advocate and organizer for STEM education, reaching more than 1,600 youth with hands-on programming in three years.

She is receiving a $5,000 scholarship and gets to serve as an advocate and spokesperson for 4-H STEM programming nationwide.

Learn more about how Ava put her exceptional talents to work here and watch this video:




Ava is the second consecutive Ohio 4-H member to win this award.
