Ann Bartuska (pictured, center), deputy under secretary for USDA's Research, Education and Economics mission area, visited OARDC’s Wooster campus May 19, where she met with Linda Saif of the Food Animal Health Research Program (left) and OARDC Director Steve Slack (right).
In February, Saif won the prestigious Wolf Prize in Agriculture, becoming the first woman and first Ohio State scientist to be so honored.
Also while in Ohio, Bartuska toured the Ohio City Farm in Cleveland, where she learned more about OSU Extension’s support of urban farming; visited USDA-ARS’s Soil Drainage Research Unit in the Agricultural Engineering Building in Columbus; met with Gwen Wofford in CFAES’s Government Relations office; and discussed soil health and ecosystem restoration with faculty and graduate students in the School of Environment and Natural Resources.
Bartuska is a member of the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force. (Photo: Ken Chamberlain, CFAES Communications.)