CFAES Connect: June 2015

Alumni News

  1. Is there a special cause at CFAES that’s important to you? Whether you’re supporting groundbreaking research or easing the burden of student debt, your vision and generosity will create better opportunities for future Buckeyes and the lives they touch.

  2. Clear the calendar for CFAES Homecoming 2015, October 9–10 at The Ohio State University!

    The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences is planning to engage its alumni and friends with activities prior to the Ohio State Buckeyes game against the University of Maryland.

  3. This month's alumni spotlight is on John Miller (B.S. 1969, Agronomy; M.S. 1973, Dairy Technology) of Dublin, Ohio, seen here with his wife, Marilyn, in recognition of their continued service and generosity towards the college.


  1. Come June 30, Keith Smith’s last official day as director of Ohio State University Extension, you will find him on campus bright and early, riding herd over a series of business meetings and sporting his signature cowboy boots.

  2. Dr. Steven A. Slack, director of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) at The Ohio State University, has announced his plans to retire Dec. 31.

  3. Want a better picture of the comprehensive and diverse facilities utilized and maintained in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences? Check out this recent video from College Communications.

  4. Consider giving to The Ohio State Fund for the Agricultural Technical Institute (#303349), which supports programs and activities with potential to generate additional funding and create a

  5. Ann Bartuska (pictured, center), deputy under secretary for USDA's Research, Education and Economics

  6. Dr. Greg Davis and Dr. Graham Cochran are filling new interim roles with the retirement of Keith Smith as director of OSU Extension and