Meet Your CFAES Alumni Society Board

CFAES Alumni Board

The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Alumni Board represents the voice of all alumni of the college and serves as a resource for all relations between college alumni and the OSU Alumni Society.  Meet the representatives below: 




Executive Council 

President - Nick Rettig - BSAGR Agribusiness and Applied Economics 2014

Nick Rettig 













President Elect - Yolanda Owens - BS Agricultural Communications 2007

Yolanda Owens














Secretary - Hayley Maynard- BSAGR Agricultural Communications 2015

Hayley Beck














Treasurer - John Kellis - BS Natural Resources Development 1976

John Kellis















Past President - Cyndi Brill - BS Agricultural Education 1993

Cyndi Brill














Department Representatives 


Agricultural, Communication, Education and Leadership - Ellen Zimmerman - BSAGR Agricultural Communications 2014

Ellen Zimmerman













Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics - Nathaniel Kramer -  MSTAPLEC Applied Economics 2018 

Nathaniel Kramer    













Animal Sciences - Ryan Conklin - BS Animal Science 2010, BS Agribusiness & Applied Economics 2010 

Ryan Conklin














Entomology - Nicky Gallagher - MS Entomology 2003, PhD Entomology 2010

Nicky Gallagher














Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering - Kaley Orr - BSFABE Food, Agriculture & Biological Engineer 2015

Kaley Orr














ATI - Mary Ann Frantz - ASC Floral Design & Marketing Technology 1974, BS Agricultural Education 1979

Mary Ann Frantz














Food Science and Technology - Lynn Wischmeyer Moore - BS Food Science & Nutrition 2011

Lynn Wischmeyer Moore










Plant Pathology - Katherine Wolfe - BSAGR Plant Pathology 2018

Katherine Wolfe















Horticulture and Crop Science - Peg McMahon - BS Horticulture 1970

Peg McMahon














School of Environment and Natural Resources - Kevin McCarty - BS Natural Resources Development 1992

Kevin McCarty















Regional Representatives 


Southeast Ohio - Hayley Maynard- BSAGR Agricultural Communications 2015

Hayley Beck














Southwest Ohio - John Kellis - BS Natural Resources Development 1976

John Kellis














Central Ohio - Andy Vance - BSAGR Agricultural Communications 2011

Andy Vance













Northeast Ohio - Mark Evans - BS Agricultural Education 1977, MS Agricultural Education 1980

Mark Evans














Northwest Ohio - Derek Snider - BSAGR Agribusiness and Applied Economics 2013 

Derek Snider














Ohio At Large - Yolanda Owens - BS Agricultural Communications 2007

Yolanda Owens














Out of State - Adisa Aarons - BS Construction Systems Management 2009

Adisa Aarons














Out of State - Rishona Headen-Brown - BSFDSCI Food Science and Technology 2017

Rishona Headen-Brown














Class of 2017 Rep - Craig Berning - BSAGR Agribusiness and Applied Economics 2017

Craig Berning











Class of 2018 Rep - Celena Ritchey - BSENR Environmental Policy & Decision Making 2018

Celena Ritchey













Class of 2019 Rep - Marie McConnell - BSENR Environmental Policy & Decision Making 2019

Marie McConnell