CFAES faculty, staff win national, regional honors

Congratulations to the following CFAES faculty, staff and teams on their recent recognition:

Sheryl Barringer

Sheryl Barringer, Department of Food Science and Technology, was named a Fellow of the Institute of Food Technologists (IST) at the group’s annual meeting in Chicago. The honor is a unique professional distinction given to individuals with outstanding and extraordinary qualifications and experience for their contributions to the food science and technology field. More.

Ahmed Yousef

Ahmed Yousef, Department of Food Science and Technology, received IST’s 2015 Research and Development Award for his research program that enhances food safety and human health, particularly the development of methods to decontaminate shell eggs to possibly eliminate the transmission of salmonellosis and the discovery of novel antimicrobial agents as potential food preservatives. More.

Bill Weiss

Bill Weiss, Department of Animal Sciences, was named an American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) Fellow at the group’s 2015 meeting. More.

Bonnie Ayars

Bonnie Ayars, Department of Animal Sciences, received the Hoard’s Dairyman Youth Development Award at the ADSA meeting. More.

Mike Day

Mike Day, Department of Animal Sciences, received the Physiology and Endocrinology Award from the American Society of Animal Science. More

Learning About Food in Urban Communities

OSU Extension’s Learning about Food in Urban Communities—A Total Extension Program team received the Diversity/Multicultural Award for the North Central Region from Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP), the professional development organization for Extension professionals. The team members are: Marilyn Rabe, FCS educator; Mike Hogan, ANR educator; Julie Fox, regional director; Beth Boomershine, 4-H educator; Susan Hogan, 4-H educator; Susan Colbert, community development program director; Jennifer Dulaney, EFNEP program assistant; Suad Hirsi, EFNEP program assistant; Cara Gorman, EFNEP program assistant; Peggy Murphy, youth EFNEP program assistant; Lisa Gibson, SNAP-Ed program assistant; and Becky Bell, FCS program assistant.


OSU Extension’s Fruit and Vegetable Food Safety Program (GAPS Team) received ESP’s Distinguished Team Teaching Award for the North Central Region. The team members are Doug Doohan, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, professor; Lindsey Hoover, HCS program coordinator; Ashley Kulhanek, ANR educator; Eric Barrett, ANR educator; Emily Adams, ANR educator; Jacqueline Kowalski, ANR educator; Levi Morrow, ANR program coordinator; Brad Bergefurd, ANR educator; and Suzanne Mills-Wasniak, ANR educator.