CFAES Connect: December 2015

  1. CFAES Thanks its Donors

    During this season of gratitude, the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences is proud to share that a college-record $22.9 million was raised this past fiscal year. That generosity helps fund scholarships, research and outreach.

    You're invited to view this short video that shows our appreciation to donors. Thank you and enjoy the holiday season.


  2. New Alumni Ticket Process for 2016

    Sustaining Members are the engines of The Ohio State University Alumni Association. Based on member feedback, we have made changes to the alumni football ticket lottery, beginning with the 2016 football season.

    By making a $75 annual gift to the Ohio State area of your choice by December 31, 2015, you will be eligible to take part in these exciting changes as a Sustaining Member. If you’ve recently made your gift to be a Sustaining Member, thank you!

    We will make changes to the ticket purchasing process in three main areas:

    • Game selection is in your hands: In the new process, you will have the opportunity to select which game(s) you want to attend, although you are not guaranteed to receive any game.
    • Opportunity for more tickets to more games: You can purchase tickets for up to two games (one premier or Big Ten Conference game and one non-conference/non-premier game). For non-conference/non-premier games, you can purchase up to four tickets.
    • Immediately know the game(s) you are attending: When you complete the ticket purchasing process, you know which tickets you are getting to which game(s).

    The changes we are making have been directly driven by what we’ve heard from our members. We understand that attending football games is important to many of our alumni, and we believe the ticket-process changes will enable you to have more options and a better overall experience.

    For more information, including tax deduction information for Sustaining Members, visit

    Become a Sustaining Member today!

    Make your gift by December 31, 2015, to become a Sustaining Member and take part in the new alumni football ticket process.

    Make a gift here.

  3. See How Holiday Generosity Provides Lasting Impact!

    Wishing to make a difference during this holiday season? Please consider a gift through The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.

    As seen in this short video, your donation can benefit scholarships, research, community outreach and other programming, all of which help serve the college's mission.

    Learn about the lasting impact of generosity from Dan Wampler, great friend and CFAES alum, who discusses his own experiences as a scholarship recipient and donor.

    If you would like to make a gift, please click here.

  4. Have You Heard About the President's Club Football Seating Policy?

    The next few months will be important for those interested in purchasing Ohio State football home season tickets or improving their current seats because of changes in the Ohio Stadium seating policy.

    The opportunity to purchase football tickets and game-day parking passes is among the benefits of donating to the college by joining President’s Club.  

    Please be advised that cumulative annual gifts must meet or exceed $3,000 by Dec. 31 in order to qualify for President’s Club recognition the following calendar year. Eligible gifts include any for academics, health sciences or the arts.

    For details, contact the CFAES Advancement Office at 614-292-0473 or  

  5. CFAES Alumni Awards Save the Date - March 5, 2016

    Each year the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences sponsors an annual awards program to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions through their careers.

    The college will be honoring them at a luncheon on Saturday, March 5, 2016.  More details will be provided regarding the 2016 recipients, event and registration.

    In the meantime, please save the date and plan to attend.


  6. Hendrick Takes Over as Acting Vice President and Dean

    It will be seven months of pointing toward the finish line for Ron Hendrick.

    On Dec. 2, Hendrick began his role as acting dean and vice president for agricultural administration for CFAES. He is filling in for Bruce McPheron while McPheron serves as interim provost for the university. 

    “Over the next seven months we’ll be bringing to fruition efforts that have been in the works for the past two years,” Hendrick said. “It’s an exciting time for the college.” His focus will be in three areas:

    • Finish building the leadership team: A new director of OSU Extension, Roger Rennekamp, starts in January. A search for the associate dean for research and graduate education will start after Steve Slack, director of OARDC, retires at the end of December. A search for a new director of Marketing and Communications is also underway. “There are also a number of senior staff with new college-wide roles who will be integrated into their new roles,” Hendrick said.
    • Continue to build faculty ranks: The college is adding faculty who will contribute to the university’s focus areas, called Discovery Themes, which include Food Production and Security, Energy and the Environment, and Health and Wellness. “Departments are also filling the ranks of non-Discovery Themes faculty,” Hendrick said.
    • Continue rebuilding facilities and implement the re-envisioning plan for Ohio State ATI in Wooster, along with unifying operations across the college. This includes a multispecies facility at Waterman Farm in Columbus and new equine, swine and beef facilities, Hendrick said.

    Hendrick is now senior associate dean for the college, overseeing college operations, including faculty affairs and facilities and capital planning. Prior to this appointment he served as director of the college’s School of Environment and Natural Resources. He began his academic career as a faculty member in the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources at the University of Georgia.

    While Hendrick serves as acting dean and vice president, Terry Niblack will serve as acting senior associate dean. Larry Madden will serve as acting chair of that department, and Guo-Liang will serve as acting associate chair.


  7. Niblack Begins as CFAES Acting Senior Associate Dean

    We are pleased to share with you that Terry Niblack, chair, Department of Plant Pathology, has accepted our offer to serve as the acting senior associate dean for the college, pending approval of the Board of Trustees. Terry began this role effective Dec. 2, and Plant Pathology will be led by Larry Madden, acting chair, and Guo-Liang Wang, acting associate chair.

    Terry has a distinguished teaching, research and outreach career that has prepared her for this role. In 2011, she joined Ohio State as professor and chairperson of the department and has maintained an active teaching, research and outreach program.

    As chair, her highest priorities have been to support and encourage faculty governance and enable faculty, staff and students in every possible way.

    While serving as chair, Terry has maintained an active laboratory and has continued research and extension efforts with colleagues in Ohio and throughout the Midwest on the biology and distribution of the soybean cyst nematode.

    Terry has been published extensively throughout her career and recognized for her outstanding professional contributions. She has served as editor or associate editor of multiple professional journals, received an Outstanding Achievement Award from the United Soybean Board in 2004, and was elected Fellow of the Society of Nematologists in 2012.

    Please join us in congratulating Terry and thanking her, Larry and Guo-Liang for accepting these additional leadership responsibilities for the coming months.—Bruce McPheron and Ron Hendrick


  8. Upcoming Opportunity - OSU Environmental Professionals Network

    Please join us for the upcoming Environmental Professionals Network events:

    Challenges and opportunities for agricultural land use, food systems, sustainability and climate change to be discussed by national leaders

    The next monthly OSU Environmental Professionals Network breakfast will be Tuesday, January 26th: Adaptive, Resilient Land Management Goals for the 21st Century.  Three national thought leaders will be discussing global food and energy security, sustained economic development, preservation of biodiversity, and a healthy environment.  Sponsored by Ohio Soybean Council, Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association, and Ohio Farm Bureau. Free for OSU students and just $10 for others.


    Information:  David Hanselmann   



    World-renowned conservation scientist, Dr. M. Sanjayan,  to speak at OSU Ohio Union February 11

    Born in Sri Lanka, raised in Sierra Leone, educated at the Univ. of Oregon and UC Santa Cruz, Dr. M. Sanjayan has hosted many series on PBS, BBC and other networks.  His 5-part EARTH – A New Wild series on PBS spring 2015 and the September PBS/BBC live event from Monterey Bay, Big Blue Live, aired to great acclaim.  He frequently is interviewed on CBS, CNN and other outlets about conservation, environmental and wildlife issues.  CEO of the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, Tom Stalf, will briefly set the stage for Sanjayan’s remarks:  Earth and People – Lessons in Living Together. Sanjayan is Executive VP and Senior Scientist at Conservation International.  Sponsored by the School of Environment and Natural Resources’ Environmental Professionals Network and co-sponsored by The Nature Conservancy, ODNR Division of Wildlife, OSU Office of Energy and Environment, and the Sustainable and Resilient Economy Discovery Theme, and student organization, TerrAqua.  7 PM at the Archie Griffin Grand Ballroom, Ohio Union.  The 1550-seat event is free and open to all but pre-registration is required.


    Information:  David Hanselmann   

  9. Celebrating the Career of OARDC Director Steve Slack

    Wooster campus hosted a celebration Dec. 14 for Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center director Steve Slack for his more than 40 years of faculty and administrative service and 16 years as OARDC director. He retires at the end of the month.

    Good luck Steve and thank you for your service!

    Read more about his career here.