Nominate Someone Great for a CFAES Alumni Award

2018 CFAES Alumni Award honorees

The CFAES Alumni Society Board is accepting nominations for the annual CFAES Alumni Awards.  Each year, CFAES alumni and friends are recognized for the following honors:

  • Young Alumni Award 
  • Distinguished Alumni Award 
  • International Alumni Award 
  • Meritorious Service Award (open to alumni and non-alumni candidates) 

To review the criteria for each award and see a list of past recipients, visit our website. The process is simple and requires a one-page nomination and up to two additional pages of supporting materials such as a resume or letter of support.

Nominations are due Saturday, October 13th, and the awards will take place Saturday, March 2, 2019. If you have any questions, contact me at 614-292-0250 or

Our alumni award recipients mean so much to CFAES. We hope that you’ll help us identify and honor the next group of honorees.