COLUMBUS – Eight outstanding undergraduate students -- four from The Ohio State University and four students from other Midwestern colleges -- have been selected for Stone Laboratory’s 2017 Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Scholarship Program.
The five-week program is a competitive, comprehensive research internship that gives students the chance to conduct scientific research in the field alongside top scientists from June 18 through July 22, 2017 at Stone Laboratory, The Ohio State University’s island campus on Lake Erie.
This year’s awardees are:
- Stacey Clay, a Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife major at The Ohio State University from South Vienna, Ohio. Clay will study birds.
- Kearstin Findley, an Evolution and Ecology major at Rockford University from Rockford, Illinois. Findley will study fisheries.
- Alex Johnson, an Environmental Science major at Cleveland State University from Huron, Ohio. Johnson will study water quality.
- Madeline Lambrix, an Environmental Science major at The Ohio State University from Parma, Ohio. Lambrix will study water quality.
- Camille Manoukian, a Public Health major at The Ohio State University from Needham, Mass. Manoukian will study plants.
- Taylor Michael, a Biology major at Kent State University from Mantua, Ohio. Michael will study field zoology.
- Marissa Musk, a Clinical Laboratory Sciences Major at Michigan State University from Muskegon, Mich. Musk will study water quality.
- Andrew Oppliger, a Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife major at The Ohio State University from Westerville, Ohio. Oppliger will study fish.
The students will receive a full scholarship to Stone Lab, including lab fee, room and meals and in-state tuition for the 2-credit research experience and a 4-credit, five-week course. The program runs concurrently with Stone Lab’s five-week summer term. Students spend their non-class days focused on research, working closely with their supervisors to design an experiment, collect samples and analyze data. At the end of the program, they give a final presentation to their peers and the public.
More information on Stone Lab’s REU program can be found here. If you would like to help provide future undergraduates with research and scholarship opportunities, you can make a donation here.
The scholarships are funded through three Friends of Stone Lab (FOSL) endowments at The Ohio State University: the John L. Crites Research Experience Forum Fellowship Endowment, the Thomas Huxley Langlois Research Fellowship Endowment and the F.T. Stone Laboratory Research Endowment.
Located on the 6.5-acre Gibraltar Island in Put-in-Bay harbor, Stone Laboratory is Ohio State’s Island Campus on Lake Erie and the research, education, and outreach facility of the Ohio Sea Grant College Program. Established in 1895, Stone Laboratory is the oldest freshwater biological field station in the United States and the center of Ohio State University’s teaching and research on Lake Erie. Stone Lab offers 25 college-credit science courses each summer for undergraduate and graduate students, advanced high school students and educators. Find more information on Stone Laboratory here.
-- Lisa Aurand Rice, Communications and Marketing Specialist, Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Laboratory