Raise Your Hand & Help Ohio 4-H Youth

Shelley Meyer raised her hand for Ohio 4-H.

Ohio 4-H and CFAES could really use your help in winning a competition that will bring funds for STEM education and leadership training to thousands of Ohio youth. We're asking all alumni and friends to promote the national Raise Your Hand for 4-H campaign before May 15.

May 15 is the deadline for this national competition to see which state can have the most people raise their hands for 4-H youth.  A few tips:

  • If you raised your hand last year, you can do so again!
  • You can participate if you are a 4-H volunteer or alum or even just a friend / admirer of 4-H.  The addition of friends of 4-H is new this year! 
  • Please spread the word to friends, family, and coworkers.  Some companies and organizations have agreed to promote the campaign for us as well.  If you have a connection to help spread the word, email the Ohio 4-H Foundation.
  • The winning state gets $20,000 to support youth programming.  Ohio 4-H will divvy the entire winnings between the top 35 counties with the most hands raised.
  • We won this contest last year, and we REALLY want to win again.

    Raise your hand here and be sure to spread the word to friends and family.