The Ohio State University
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
The 2022 Alumni Awards was held on Thursday, September 29. The College honored 14 alumni and friends.
The tables were set for the dinner program.
Hannah Snively, Graham Cochran and others sing Carmen Ohio
Mark Giese, Trish Raridan Preston, Jon Gerken, Seth Dunn and Neal Sargeant sing Carmen Ohio
Dean Cathann Kress, Juan Moreno and Yolanda Owens, CFAES Alumni Society Board Past President
Dean Cathann Kress, Alexandre Pires, Ivanete Susin, and Yolanda Owens, CFAES Alumni Society Board Past President
Dean Cathann Kress, Bill Tom and Yolanda Owens, CFAES Alumni Society Board Past President
Alumni Award honorees with Dean Kress and Andy Vance
Dean Cathann Kress, Robert Torres and Yolanda Owens, CFAES Alumni Society Board Past President
Alumni Award honorees pose for a photo after the awards.