Ohio Woodland Water and Wildlife Conference - Mansfield, Ohio

This annual conference is designed for natural resource professionals and land managers.

Registration begins at 8:45 am and the first presentation will start at 9:30 am

Presentations for the day will cover a wide range of topics and include:

  • Missing Trees: Effects of the Loss of Ash and Chestnut on Forest Ecosystems
  • Glyphosate and Pesticide Safety Update
  • Harmful Alga Blooms in Ponds: Concerns and Mitigation/Management
  • The Ohio Credible Data Program: Certification Requirements and Training Opportunities
  • Bird Conservation in Ohio: Past, Present and Future Challenges
  • Using Social Science as a Tool to Inform Wildlife Management

See the full agenda and register here.

Continuing education credits for ISA, SAF-CFE and ODA pesticide recertification: CEU's are listed here